Lift up your heart in faith,
For God is ever nigh you,
Eager to bless His children,
Mindful of every child,
Lift up your heart in prayer,
For God will ever heed you,
Seek Him in every sorrow,
Find Him in every need,
Lift up your heart through tears of grief,
He will give you peace
And heal you.Lift up your heart in praise
Of Christ who has redeemed you,
Praise His unfailing mercy,
Praise His unchanging love.
Lift up your heart, for by His might
He will guard your path
And guide you.Lift up your heart unceasing,
Praising the Saviour’s name,
Lift up your heart, for He has ransomed you,
Lift up your heart, for He will succor you,
Lift up your heart, for He has offered you
A crown of everlasting life.
A crown of everlasting life.